What an unbelievable first few days it’s been for the opening week of the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. I was able to attend another major event tonight and that was the premiere of Oliver Stone’s Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, starring Michael Douglass and Shia LaBeouf. But not only was I able to attend, but was able to escort my boss and one of her friends down the red carpet with VIP passes. It was very dazzling to walk down with thousands of people on my right and left and have two ladies holding my arms as I’m dressed up in my tuxedo. I was able to sit in the famous and bottom “Orchestre” section about seven rows from the stage. I was literally sitting in the same row as Douglass and LaBeouf, they were just one section over. We were able to get my professor Tom Garrett and his wife, Lee into the screening and it was just a small compensation for all the work he’s done for us to get us to Cannes.
After the film was over, I sprinted to the entrance to try and see the cast as they walked out. It ended up paying off as I got some good video and was four feet from Shia LaBeouf as he walked by. But the ultimate was being able to get two feet from the man who sparked my interest in film making, Mr. George Lucas. Star Wars was my first love for movies and it was incredible to be so close to the man who sparked it all.
Today was another awesome day inside of the Summit Entertainment Office. John Chu, director of Step Up and the newest Step Up 3D came in and we actually got to have an informal lunch with him. He is very down to earth and open to any questions we had for him. It’s refreshing to meet someone who’s ego is not too big to talk to some interns.
Even though this internship has been very demanding, it is very much worth it. The perks are very rewarding and I’ve done so much different stuff than most of my classmates are doing. Not to mention I’m making some great contacts with the fabulous people at Summit.
The coolest thing by far is seeing how much bigger all of this is than America. Of almost all the people that walk into the Summit Office, almost all are Non-American. A bunch of them are actually from Asia (HIYA!). But it goes to show even though America is so large, it is still such a small piece to this puzzle that is the world. It has been tough to have limited Internet and cell phone service, as I miss my family and friends but it’s been refreshing to get away from American Culture and experience a new one.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways, I can’t even describe it. What I’m experiencing right now, most people will never in a life time and I’m only 20 years old. My internship keeps me so busy but at the end of the day when I go back and think about everything, it is truly amazing to see what I’m experiencing. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed this opportunity upon me, for my wonderful parents sending on this trip and my professor Tom Garrett, who organized and helped provide this opportunity. The work is hard but I plan to keep pushing on as it will all pay off in the end. Stay tuned for new adventures that are bound to come…
This is so cool and I am so proud of you! The Lord has surely opened up some amazing doors for you and I can't wait to see what your future holds. I nearly fell off my chair when I read the word "HIYA" and can't wait to show it to the original "Hiya"!
Much love from your Auntie Jul
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